
Report #33,577

Report Details

closeddeletedover 12 years - ISP'd, rest of town gave up after... refund please.
over 12 years
Anagonda will be receiving an ISP violation as well.
over 12 years
it's just the fact that the town got overeager and shot within a minute of the day that got me a little bit not sure but yeah, he was there, this needs an ISP.
over 12 years
i can't... i just... the only reason why genoc was shot is because he waited till _last_ second to vote D1 and D2 when he was obviously there, he continued to ISP.
over 12 years
...ana ISP'd too. We asked Genoc to speak AGAIN and AGAIN.
over 12 years
i find it really silly that you guys decided to random lynch/hipfire off of the hope that this game will get refunded, that's ISP within itself. Need to think about this report
over 12 years
or you can classify it as gting because he was there and never answered.