Used OGI to get the votes off of his partner and onto town. (Told them that voting someone because of slip was gamethrowing).. then wayne fakeclaimed cop outta nowhere
Jr, you did say that if they voted your partner, it would be gting because he was stupid. They were gonna kill him because he tried to trick them into nling on lylo. It was a slip, and you told them it was gting to vote hi.
deletedover 12 years
I request a refund for this game. It was complete bullshit. Some idiot fakeclaimed cop. This doesn't deserve a violation, but the game needs a refund for all the idiots in the game.
If I seriously get a violation for this, i'm going to be pissed. There was no outside game influence in that at all. I was trying to save my partner from dying, and the town was stupid enough to agree with me? That's just playing smart on my part. And then, why complain about Wayne on my report, when you could just report him?