
Report #31,771

Report Details

closeddeletedover 12 years
harassment talk **** get hit fool and personally im doing this because i dont want this guy to rage and grudge all game if i ever join a game w/ him
deletedover 12 years
prince, a mod recommended to me that i explain myself to you and i chose not to because i thought you only reported me because you saw my appeal against kennedy's report. i never even checked your profile page; it didn't occur to me that matthelders had linked you the thread. i apologize if you took any offense. i was very pissed off but it was mostly my sense of humor that caused me to express it the way i did - i don't mean to make bullshit excuses but i think that if i really want to give someone shit then i'll specifically insult their intelligence more substantially than i did in that thread, plus i went on to make suicidal joke posts about myself after the first couple of pages. but regardless, hopefully the last game we played together where we rolled scum and won should be enough indication that i don't have an agenda against you. have mercy please & thanks
deletedover 12 years
well i'm trolled gg i surrender