
Report #28,892

Report Details

closedalmost 12 yearsfor Game 1288127
posted "my partner is man gamethrown report me i don't care" near the end of day 2. Can't use terms that are prohibited by the OGI rule.
almost 12 years
almost 12 years
"try to get a mislynch on you" That's a misdirection and competely not what i was reporting you for. In fact, that would be totally cool if you did jsut that but you didn't just go there. You're being disengenous and dishonest. Also, you're not half as sorry as I am for forcing me to waste my time having to correct your infringing behaviour. Apologize.
almost 12 years
Dude you're an idiot. That was obvious strategy to try and get a mislynch on you... Sorry to the moderators that had to read this bullshit.