
Report #27,372

Report Details

closeddeletedabout 12 yearsfor Game 1252153
He has thrown the past few games I've played with him. It's not even fair because he trolls nonstop, which makes it impossible to win for village. Review my last few games please For proof. I don't even care about the points, but this ruins the fun, and he shouldn't be allowed to play. It wasn't even funny the first time he did it, nor the next 3-4 times.
deletedabout 12 years
In the game you linked, Diggity was the fool. It was his job to troll and try to get lynched. If you want to report him for other games, please report them individually.
deletedabout 12 years
i try 2 lern as i play, no one try help so i read wiki and try to wing it. i thoutgh sonyel would be a greta friend but i guesz he doestn liek me to much :/