
Report #26,533

Report Details

closeddeletedabout 12 years - threatening to report another player during the course of a game is OGI (Outside Game Influence).
about 12 years
Did you even see the logs of the game in question? Ionman purposely refused to vote, thus forcing all remaining live players to suicide. That caused not only a loss, but the game to go unranked. This isnt even factoring in the fact that we couldnt even kick the guy, as he wasnt actually inactive.

Beyond that, note how it says "Outsde Game Influence." would a prerequesite of that not have to be that the game was actually influenced by my statement that I would be reporting him? Which it clearly wasnt as he still refused to vote for himself, thus causing not only the loss of a "heart" for all participating players, but the remaining live players to suicide, as the game was just not going to end.

This violation is rather shaky at best, and definitely undeserved at least.