
Report #24,370

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closedalmost 12 yearsfor Game 1176918
Gone the entire second day when the cop got a guilty on him (hooker/miller still alive). He flips miller and is lynched, doesn't say a word d2. Refund, please!
deletedalmost 12 years
One day is unfortunately not enough for ISP. The fact that he was guiltied as opposed to being lynched for not being there hurts your case if anything.
almost 12 years
You weren't there to defend yourself, lol. Things would have went drastically differently if you towntold, which you would have, since you were town, on day 2.
almost 12 years
First Iwas afk and the fact I got lynch WHILE being guilty doesn't prove anything because you went with it, and knowing that town I would've been lynched either way. Don't blame me for the fct you lynched me either way