
Report #24,325

Report Details

closeddeletedabout 12 years
Cheating with Britta having communication on MSN whilst in game
about 12 years
britta confirmed they were speaking on msn about the alligment in the second game linked
deletedabout 12 years
Shut up Sociopath! I wasn't in either of the games so I don't care about the heart refunds.
deletedabout 12 years
Sure she appears to be cheating and it almost seems obvious beyond a reasonable dout, but, she said brita lied to her on msn. She never said what brita lied to her about. She did say she would lie to brita next game. This game was ranked, but, this report was only sent because someone wanted a refund. brita never confirmed the msn statement. This leads me to believe that Tieess might of just said that because she lost. Tieess does deserve action against her for that statement. Brita doesn't deserve action as nothing really is against brita except a pseudo claim from wendy. Refunds of hearts should not be given.
about 12 years
Will Wendys ever give up?