
Report #24,264

Report Details

closeddeletedabout 12 years Throwing for yummy to win. Shoots both nights and never hits a mafia, giving yummy a mafia iwn. Not sure why he whispered himself. Leads on the vig on day two and then that allows yummy to joint with fool the next day. yummy never hooks him and keeps him alive the whole way Watcher watches the killer n2 , yuyu claims prostitute and lets himself be lynched and never cc's any role, allowing yummy to win as town.
deletedabout 12 years -Yuyu is cop uncced. Yummy auto believes him. d2 lylo yuyu doesnt take into any consideration that yummy could be scum even with no investigation on him.
deletedabout 12 years Not much happens. Vig is retarded and shoots the fool, which is yummy. So this was a loss for yummy, but she wasn't in control and was going to joint.
deletedabout 12 years
This is honestly pretty blatant , please ban from training (at the least)
deletedabout 12 years
All 3 of his games are wins for yummy, and yummy and yuyu haven't played any games except with each other.