
Report #24,253

Report Details

closedabout 12 years
Hateful CommentsExcessive insults against one or more persons, and/or slurs against a race, sexual orientation, religion. More likely to issue the violation if a person being abused has asked the offender or others in the game or thread to cease.

Calling me a cock sucking faggot for claiming blue as Mafia, while she is my mafia partner. I am still learning and this was offensive to me.
deletedabout 12 years
game link? refile the report
about 12 years
That doesn't make you doing it okay, just because I didn't say anything. You were unnecessarily crude to me for no reason. I played out of strategy and I'm still learning how the game works.
about 12 years
You never asked me to stop nor said you were offended.