
Report #23,660

Report Details

closeddeletedalmost 13 years
AND thegeneral2112/copOFC, both lobby camped the HELL out of me, I remade the setup OVER 20 times, the last one is recorded, game #1160722 comp lobby, I made the setup, left it, then came back into that particular one, and left it again, the evidence is there that game.
over 12 years
abc has been reported like 1000 times this week big deal lol.
over 12 years
I confirm Systems story, its completely true.... and its also true that there were 2 or more games open at that time....
over 12 years
Not even going to reply to natstar. -.-' @project matt: There was two/one games open during the duration of me continuously remaking the game, one of which was the original I made, which someone didn't leave until later. And yes, I made it VERY clear that I didn't want to play with EITHER of them. I also threatened to report them for it several times. Elmir witnessed the original scene where I ended up leaving and telling them not to follow, and was the person in the original, which I rejoined only to leave later. (Because quest/general popped in again.), NOWN11111 can tell you they kept following me, he was actually following me as well, but I don't mind playing with him, and I never asked him to leave, so I didn't mention him there. He witnessed the lobby camping, which at the time was referred to as 'dodging'.
almost 13 years
SystemOverload is abc you fools lol.
almost 13 years
Also can you tell me who else saw them lobby camping you, System?
almost 13 years
Quest is a banned user, but this will be noted. SystemOverload, I have a few questions: Were any other games open when you kept remaking the same game? Did you specifically ask them to leave?
almost 13 years
you are now banned user too, Goku. The same as quest. You had harrasment 2 violations.
deletedalmost 13 years
Quest is a banned user. What the fuck mods?