
Report #19,730

Report Details

closedover 12 yearsfor Game 1087139
YourDogZass used language that is inappropriate and alluded to sexual overtones and incest.
over 12 years
Thanks mods. I just know that some users in game found it offensive.
over 12 years
I did use some cuss words and i slightly alluded to sexual overtones but there was no incest in the conversation...only ur family tree. Anyways he is made cuz he said since i first said something else then corrected myself he lynched me cuz i said the first thing first so i said "if i F*ck your mom before ur dad then that doesnt make me your father." (P.S. it makes me ur moms father). i was just explaining how his logic fails. Then again though that isnt a good analogy...i COULD be his father.