
Report #18,436

Report Details

closeddeletedover 12 years
He reported the player in the report for using colored text to get revenge on that player for reporting him because he did it right after he was reported by that player for breaking a rule in the second report listed here he was reported for policy lynching him based on his text color which he got reported for and when he got reported he made that revenge report so he has hates colored text and will policy lynch or report people based on it lol.
deletedover 12 years
Natstar got hacked or is getting morer lol by the dayy. Kinda funny that im accused of being quest and he negbombeed my setup after I told natstar about the evil mod who did it to me earlier today lol. I thing quest is natstar lol
over 12 years
This is for report spam lol.
deletedover 12 years
I'm not DatProTip lol
over 12 years
Amour 1 hour 14 minutes
DatProTip = Quest.b Also, if I was told by a mod I could do it, then, gee, I obviously broke no rules.
deletedover 12 years
this is lol
over 12 years
reporting him for report spam because using colored text is not against the rules..