
Report #18,420

Report Details

closeddeletedover 12 years trolled all game with rainbow text. Pretty sure its not his birthday and that ive seen him on other brand new shitty ALTs trolling like this before.
over 12 years
He did not troll the game you said he trolled the game with his text color also you lynched him based on his text color lol.
deletedover 12 years
It wasnt just about using rainbow text lol... Did you look at the game?
deletedover 12 years
Oh look trolling is against the rules... Whooda thunk?lol
over 12 years
I find it funny that you have pro in your name when you don't even know the rules so here you go if you want to know what the rules are click this lol.
deletedover 12 years
If lying to get special site perks so you can troll games isnt against the rules it should be. Also, I was gracious not to report you reported me for a lynch that I didnt lead lol.
over 12 years
This is report spam he reporting someone because of their text color lol.
over 12 years
first of all creating a new account is nto against the rules. Faking a birthday is not reportable either. Can i also add that he only filed this report becuase he recieved an inbox that i reported him. Please take this into concideration when deciding the rightful choice. Also since this he has told his friend to harass me. Review my inbox i give full permission. His friend has been cursing at be and calling be deragatory names. such as "nigger" to me as a black male wanting to anonymize his account, is very offensive.