
Report #18,418

Report Details

closeddeletedover 12 yearsfor Game 1056955
Lead lynch for having birthday rainbow text no other reason.
deletedover 12 years
Im not denying that I wanted to lynch you because of that, but as golt pointed out, its not the reason why everyones vote was on you... you were the doc saved bp cc when a yak was alive, and the clear leadon you when it was the most strategic thing to do. The only reason im explaining this out in detail for your puny little mind is because natstar showed up and I couldnt tell if he was joking lol
over 12 years
Give datprotip a report spam violation he reported him because of his text color as well lol.
deletedover 12 years
No hes right... But I did unvote till the lynch was lead by clears. You should be permabanned for abusing rainbow text... Stop making shitty new ALTs to claim a birthday on
deletedover 12 years
That's not the reason you were lynched. You were lynched because doc saved you. We had nothing to go off of. This is a stupid report.