
Report #15,860

Report Details

closeddeletedalmost 13 years
Appeal to report 15857 and 15768. He is closing report unjustly and giving no responce. I made it perfectly clear to dr horrible to leave me alone and he left another game to follow me into the one i created to not play with him. Index closes it instantly wihtout a reason. THIS IS TEXT BOOK LOBBY CAMPING. The warnings were written long before doctor joined.
deletedalmost 13 years
Overturned to minor harassment.
almost 13 years is the report i got a minor from the grave yard.
almost 13 years
Why should i comment? The mods are a fucking joke! I get a minor for being reported by someone who dies n1 and never speaks in the game for harassment. He then spams mean comments on my wall and inbox and self deletes. Then when i report i am told i didnt tell him to stop so nothing will be done. EVEN THOUGH I GOT A VIOLATION FROM SOMEONE IN THE GRAVE YARD WHO NEVER SPOKE! the inconsistencies and blatant bad rulings because of favoring players is a fucking joke. I hate lokito because he thinks its funny to be homophobic but he is 100% accurate in saying depending on who mods depends on if you get a fair shake or not. Just because you can justify why someone broke the rules does not make it ok for them to brake the rules. I egg him on so he can insult me but when he calls for the slaughter of my family i cant defend myself? Fuck this.
almost 13 years
i would've left this report, but as you can see (5 days open) no other mods are dealing with it
almost 13 years
btw can i appeal this report or is it too old?
almost 13 years
laexio, i wanted a revenge , people wouldnt +k the report unless he doesnt deserve it, and if they are my friends they can tell you that im a good person who doesnt deserve to deal with this kind of shit, like being reported and called homophobic.
almost 13 years
does laexio have to be the mod who checks this? i feel he has bad interests because the tense between as, can it be checked by someone else?
he is bullshitting on you with the the call for genocide, it was just a joke, he found it as a way to maybe get a refund by claiming he got hurt for his sister or something, and its not an harrasment really because i told him that once as a part of the game, and i didnt even try to get any respond from him lol just tried to lynch him...
deletedalmost 13 years
Also, both of you keep saying things about "this comment," but the only game I see referring to it makes no mention of what Lokito actually said. Either Username or Lokito please give me a link to the game with the offensive "call for genocide" by Lokito, because it might affect this report.
deletedalmost 13 years
Didn't hold that against Lokito for this report because Username kept bringing up some old inappropriate remark by Lokito (which Username dubs "a call for genocide"). It was clear that Lokito was bothered by Username going on about that, and he lashed back. Instead of reporting Lokito for a possibly offensive comment, Username brings it up in games to provoke Lokito.
almost 13 years
Vote to overturn to minor harassment. Lokito's attitude "LOL WHEN DID YOU JOIN THIS GAME?" and in the pre-game asking people to k+ a report against username suggest harassment.
deletedalmost 13 years

Report 15858 was a related report to 15857, so I put the violation on the more recent report. Report 15857 was one I felt didn't require a violation given, because lokito3 was egged on by username saying "lokito way to beg for support, you coward" which caused lokito to angrily respond with "ITS NOT SUPPORT YOU ARE EVIL" and "ASSHOLE" "NAIVE AND PATHETIC."
almost 13 years
link the reports