
Report #15,712

Report Details

closedalmost 13 years
Ok thiss guy has been doing many things. He has been dissing my family(and everyone in it) He is threating us. I have had problems with him in the past he report me and my fellow family member Jambecca for "hating and trolling" him. I told him we were not doing that (This was in a game) I was just deffending Jam and then he starting calling my words like faggot,fucker,asshole and worst of all "Nigger". I didnt like that he called me that because I am black. I reported him and then the mess was over with. Just a couple of days ago he started dissing my family again and saying we're all assholes and should burn and hell and stuff. We just told him he was hating on our amazing family. But then he was messing with Jambecca again! He was herrassing him like crazy callling him faggot fag bomb pubfag. Jam tried to walk away but he got worse In a game I told him to stop because it isnt cool he then called me more racist words like "wigga" cracker nigger. I told yo dog stop this isnt cool. He said I dont give a shit what you do. No I have these people on EM that our a team of "rebels" I told him you mess with me you mess with them he then said I dont give a fuck about your white power shit. This is not right this dude is a racist hater. It would not surrprise me if he was negged to like -150 (Like EM player Magnificent) and reported 300 times. Just please ban him or something because this really isnt funny I mean I have trolled in my days too. But I never go this far
And if I even come close I stop it. Please do something
almost 13 years
Mother fucker report me I will report you back. I dare you Im not scared
almost 13 years
Ive done shit all. Continue to do what you are doing, I will report you. I have done nothing wrong, and neither group has evidence to back this (mainly because ive done nothing) but beware, harass me and I will be reporting and hopefully have you dickheads banned.
almost 13 years
Threatening him like that is harassment.
almost 13 years
Hanne I didnt take my comments down I dont know were they went but listen since the mods wont do nothing you have a war on your hands...Let the games begin
almost 13 years
Unless you guys actually provide some evidence I'm closing this report. You talk a lot, but you have little to support your arguments.
almost 13 years
"I havent said faggot, that was other family members." Every time I see Hanneman, he is calling someone a faggot, even using his profile to do it, so I can't even believe that anyone can think that is true.
almost 13 years
I havent said faggot, that was other family members. And I didn't call Zebra a spick, I called Wonga that (Zebra looks white in the avi, that makes no sense). Do you realise this is going around in circles because this never happened? I cant even remember the reason I commented on your page. I think it was coz you were saying nigga a lot on your page because I'm not remembering the reason for it. 'Really if this isnt handled then I swear on the rebels code both family's and every player in them will be banned. Because if Hanne wants a war I got an army lets handle this like men shall we?' <-doesnt that say it all? 'This fag is deleting his comments so you cant see them and getting his boys to diss this!' isnt this what im being reported for? calling someone a fag. Yeah, I thought so. Now if you don't mind, give him a violation for wasting mods time with this farce. Stay out of the 20 man pw'd games, and ill stay out of your public games. Cheers
almost 13 years
Where did he call jambecca a faggot and a spick?
almost 13 years
Jam told you what he said already they called Zebra a faggot and a spick. then dissed the family saying your setup makes my vomit and shit. Then he started messing with my name and saying Oh white power!!!! But he knows that my avi is not racist it just means Im a rebel he is like saying whites are better then black hate crimes really the whole site can get taken down for that. Plus that comment is still on my profile check it naggers
almost 13 years
unless you actually provide some evidence that he harassed you, there won't be a violation. the comments in aren't valid because there was provocation.
almost 13 years
Because he is dissing me family and he is clearly a racist. He is messing with me (Which is bad because I have past XP on this game) I know what its like to be a troll dont get me wrong but this is going WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYY to far Jam Im sorry I left you alone. And mods really I wont stand for this. This fag is deleting his comments so you cant see them and getting his boys to diss this! Really if this isnt handled then I swear on the rebels code both family's and every player in them will be banned. Because if Hanne wants a war I got an army lets handle this like men shall we?
almost 13 years
Oh trust me Im far from gone my K is just a little to low. Hanne This is gay as shit. You got your boys to neg this. and mods....Really....Really....I have more peple backing me up Im tired of this guy and wont stand for racism. If this carry's on EpicMafia may have a problem just saying....
almost 13 years
unless you actually provide some evidence that he harassed you, there won't be a violation. the comments in aren't valid because there was provocation.
almost 13 years
Solastar moved it to in progress
deletedalmost 13 years
What the heck? I never put this report into In Progress. Moving it back to Open.
almost 13 years
I didn't call your a faggot. Report them then. And yes I called Owl autistic because of that report he made where he was going into all those games to catch a ring of cheaters supposedly.
But it still stands, I have done nothing wrong, you haven't provided details at ALL. Oh wait, maybe because you made it up? And where's Rebel on this one? He seems to have gone afk and jambecca is the one running this report. Told you it was a group of them against me
almost 13 years
somebody call a waaabulance
almost 13 years
He acts like that towards everyone. I doubt he will be punished though.
deletedalmost 13 years
I'd like to add that Hanneman has repeatedly called me autistic as well.
deletedalmost 13 years
How is this report harassment lmfao. And first your friend calls zebra a faggot, and then coincidentally you say, 'look, a spick". I don't think so. I put that up here for more proof that you are being racist, in case rebel can't get his proof
almost 13 years
Also rereading I haven't reported him either. Please show me the report I gave you, it should be in your inbox. Cheers
almost 13 years
OK this report is pretty much harassment. They cannot prove proof because I have not done any of these things. If I have been reported from R3b3l it is not in my inbox, and surely mods should be able to see a report filled against me. Also, calling someone in my family a spick, how is that harassment against rebel lol? Even look at my family through my profile, I'm clearly calling Wonga a spick. I have only played one public game with this rebel guy, didnt know who he was at the time, but then starting giving me a spray, which then I looked at his profile and found out hes with becca, p3d0 etc. So yeah. I keep to myself in my 20 man games which are not for the general public,but for us /v/irgins which surely everyone on Em knows that. Snorlax, zoomington and others can confirm that becca tries to join our games to piss me off. How is that avoiding each other? Im doign my part, maybe the other party shoudl be doing that. R3b3l just filed a report against me because I filed 1 against bec
deletedalmost 13 years
And if he's calling my friend a nigger I don't care if he has proof or not. He should get a violation. Just because rebel is black doesn't mean hanne is better than him.
deletedalmost 13 years
In addition, hanne is trying to report me for harassment and moderators don't ask for proof. What's up there?
deletedalmost 13 years