
Report #14,448

Report Details

closedover 12 years IP day 1 and 2. He got lynched for it in LYLO by me.
over 12 years
I admitted to nothing, and that's nothing more than a subjective view held by yourself. I think it was good play.
over 12 years
He just admitted to participating insufficiently.
over 12 years
I was blue with nothing to say or do until the end. My predictions were dead accurate, and would of won it for us if followed.

/and you need to work on your tell reading they were both so obviously them mafia which didn't become conclusive until day 3.

Anyways - I hardly see why I would even be reported for this - seems pretty stupid considering I was blue in this game with little to do, and because some of us also live in the real world with wives, and kids to tend to as well, and dogs when we try to get some EM on.
