
Report #14,037

Report Details

closeddeletedalmost 13 years
his family bio uses a homophobic slur.
almost 13 years
before you drag me into this shit i deleted it when asked
almost 13 years
As the rules say """"Inappropriate BioBio has pornographic content or is highly offensive. We will remove these whenever seen.
Ban"""""" they have multiple warnings in this report as it is. ENFORCE YOUR RULES
almost 13 years
they refuse to follow the rules. disband the family and 24 hour suspensions. Why tolerate trolling? That is what they are doing.
almost 13 years
I tried to peacefully bring this to their attention but they weren't happy about it.
deletedalmost 13 years
Agreed, this sort of vitriol has no place here, but is sadly becoming more and more common.
almost 13 years
this isnt their first warning. Hate speech is worse then trolling.
deletedalmost 13 years
As an omnisexual, I am quite honestly offended by this families egregious use of the word faggot. It's extremely insensitive.