
Report #14,035

Report Details

closeddeleteddeletedover 12 years game related veg olo she was talking right before the kicks and was there she had no reason to not vote she knew she was losing she was the only one who questioned me olo suspend her
deletedover 12 years
ya... that account was shit anyways
over 12 years
That self delete lol.
deletedover 12 years
deletedover 12 years
first, its not a suicide if you dont do it intentionally, its called an unfortunate accident. yaknow, like falling off a bridge because you were trying to balance on the rail, someone can claim you committed suicide to screw over your family for insurance money, but that doesn't make it a suicide.

second, Gnatstar has blatently stolen natstar's avi and has a name that is pronounced similarly. BUT -is obviously not nastar. guise-test FAIL.

plz selfdelete