Derfel only lynched me as a grudge lynch. He was the clear and led a lynch on me despite the fact that I could have hammered on someone if I was scum and despite the fact that others had townreads on me. You can see him mocking me the next day. He wasn't lynching me because he thought I was scum. He was lynching me because he doesn't like me. Also, he lead a lynch on an uncc'd cop with no doc claim in TEO. Derf deserves gamethrowing here. Other players noticed what he did as well.
deletedabout 13 years
General can be such a crybaby sometimes, which is a shame because he generally is a good player.
sorry this was closed before i could get a chance to comment, general. but yea the play did seem very foul
deletedabout 13 years
Since you two can't get along, just dodge each other from now on. Dealing with both of you twice every week is bothersome.
deletedabout 13 years
Well, you are mistaken.
deletedabout 13 years
No, I'm not bitter at all. I see you grudge lynching and I am reporting it. That is all.
deletedabout 13 years
You are bitter because I read you as mafia (incorrectly) and we lost. I made a mistake. Get over it.
deletedabout 13 years
i feel like i am talking to a bricj wall..
deletedabout 13 years You're only proving my point. You have a grudge against me and let it carry through into a game. As a clear you told everyone to vote me for no reason. Not because you thought I was scum, but because you don't like me. Multiple players saw and realized this. You used a ML on me because you don't like me. that's the bottom line.
deletedabout 13 years
Hardly - he reports people when he loses. It's nothing personal, I'm sure.
deletedabout 13 years
everyone knows you have a grudge and should be punished.
deletedabout 13 years
I make comments on a bunch of reports. His name just shows up more often than others. Besides, if I wasn't trying to win... how did I make it down to final 3, and lynch two mafia in the process? Besides, what would you prefer I do? Not lynch you in a game, ever? I'm sure if you were mafia, and I lynched correctly, you'd be whining about that too, perhaps.
deletedabout 13 years
"I could have hammered on someone if I was scum" No you couldnt. "others had townreads on me" No they didn't. "You can see him mocking me the next day" Hardly.
His D1 lynch was stupid but it wasn't gamethrowing.
deletedabout 13 years
Amour wasn't the only player in that game that agreed it was a grudge lynch. You didn't misread me.
deletedabout 13 years
you have a grudge, i've seen the comments you make on his reports.
deletedabout 13 years
I switched my lynch on D1 once I realized doc claim wasn't doc claim. I also read general as mafia - my mistake. General thinks too highly of himself if he thinks I have a "grudge" against him. I did say I was awful in pre-game.
deletedabout 13 years
Yea, I know. He has a grudge against me and let it play out in game. Not playing to win.