
Report #11,335

Report Details

closeddeletedabout 13 years
Resubmission of 3 reports that were deleted. This is for harassment. He has done it in-game and trolled me on forums, idgaf what he thinks of me, (he thinks I"m "stupid" lol), but his threat to affect my em play because I won't send him pics is complete harassment. He claims this is MY fault, lol at that. I bet he's like this in rl too.

The issue I reported was Zovea (universal studios actually). He has always been pretty rude to me, I just have been nice to him or avoid him. He added me on msn, said hi, I said hi, talked small talk then he asked for certain pics if you know what i mean. I refused, he then got extremely mad and has been harassing me in games and forums ever since. Here's my note to him:

LaurieRosesent a message to UniversalStudios4 days 1 hour
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Let this be your notice that I am asking you to stop attacking me in games. I'm there to play. You have no reason to be spiteful except you enjoy hating. YOu don't like me? IDGAF, in games/on the forums you stop. I will be sending this to a mod as well to let them know I"ve asked this behavior to stop. Your type of behavior is no longer tolerated. Is the game I am referring to. You've unnecessarily harassed me on forum threads. Now, you have notice.

Not sure why you've turned to this after we talked nicely on msn, you all said sorry for being a prick and all. Would rather have peace than this, so peace ok.

UniversalStudiossent a message to LaurieRose4 days 39 minutes
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One stop implying some person relation (which you try to mock). There wasn't one. I deleted you on msn because I think you're stupid and nothing you've done since then has done anything to change my opinion.

You don't have to join my games. In fact DON'T join my games or I will let it be known that I don't like you, that you're a terrible player (thanks for costing me that game and then bitching about it, stupid), and will do everything I can to make sure you die as soon as possible.

Consider this your warning.""
about 13 years
This user has harassed me in the past as well. Made sexist remarks and followed me into a second game to be rude and unpleasant. Please do not take these actions lightly.
about 13 years
please ban
deletedabout 13 years
It won't that is fixed. Thanks Misah ;) <3
about 13 years
I'll deal with this in the morning.
about 13 years
Goku if I sent you the message Laurie sent to me, would you reply "okay i'll stop"?
about 13 years
Did you even bother to read before you filed to report, Laurie? "his threat to affect my gameplay because I wont send him pics is complete harassment" Is a blatant lie, and you disgregard the fact that I spent a week telling you not to join games I'm in. "He has always been pretty rude to me, I just have been nice to him or avoid him." If this was true, you wouldn't have been in a game where I could express my dislike for you, becuse you would have acknowledged my request not to join games I'm in. "He added me on msn, said hi, I said hi, talked small talk then he asked for certain pics if you know what i mean. I refused, he then got extremely mad and has been harassing me in games and forums ever since." It's because you have this convoluted sense of why I don't like you that you, that you decide to attack me, instead of asking me why I don't like you. If you would bother to read the chat logs between us you'll see that rather than being mean to you over msn, I just removed you.
about 13 years
i like how instead of saying "ok i'll stop" he says "no and if you join my games i will grudge kill you or grudge vote you regardless of your alignment" gamethrowing and harassment violations imho
deletedabout 13 years
holy shit did she just really write a essay
about 13 years
1.Posting porn is against the rule.
2.Why are you asking for porn on the internet when you can just search for it lol?
deletedabout 13 years
Universal, I have sent copies of BOTH of those pms, as well as yours to solaster and lucid. Screen shots just to prove they're not doctored. There are NO threats in there. Insults? I don't know, I"m calling you on your game and that's it. Meanwhile, you cannot deny that you have threatened to make sure I die early any game I"m in if you're in the same game. As a matter of fact, in my pm, I said I"d rather not have b.s. like this between us and it's better to have peace. You chose to send your pm threatening me. Do you deny it? I have the screenshot if you wish.
deletedabout 13 years
All this should be logged by the site, no?
about 13 years
about 13 years
This report claims that I harassed Laurie after she sends me a PM that contains 2 threats and 5 insults by sending her a PM in which I make it clear that I don't want her joining my games by threatening to be aggressive if continues to join my games. Before submitting the first of 3 reports, she sent me another PM insulting me. It does not make since for her to send in a harassment report for my response without me having acted on them because my response to her is based on her insulting and threatening me instead of actually trying to open a dialogue for peace, which if she had done instead of sending me a curt message she wouldn't have gotten a curt message back.
deletedabout 13 years
Let's hope this one doesn't get deleted too.