
Report #11,208

Report Details

closedabout 13 years
im reporting a player (possibly troll) that keeps grudge voting me for being bad. please see the games below she literally just votes me like that in every game, even when she doesnt think im mafia. please do something! i cant play with this troll anymore - she wants to vote slinky d2 but me and shield had crossed so i told her not to split votes because i dont want mafia to nl. and instead she votes my and says 'you dont want me to vote my fos so im voting you' OBVIOUS GRUDGE! and also its gamethrowing because she votes someone she doesnt think is mafia; she also swore at me and insulted me! - votes me as uncc'd CONFIRMED watcher - shes mafia here but still votes me and says nothing and also she vegged when town could have won
about 13 years
First game, seemed trollish, but more just like she was just being a jerk and as she continued to insult her even after you told her you would report her, deserves a minor harassment violation. Second game, I can't view votes during the middle of the game, only the final vote, so I can't really see much there. The last game, I don't think it was clear that town would've won, so I can't really consider it a ragequit.